Having trouble training your puppy or thinking about purchasing a puppy? Let us get you started on the right foot – and stop those shoes from being chewed, too!
SOS Dogs can consult with you both prior to and after a puppy purchase.
Pre-Arrival Puppy Consultation
We will come to the comfort of your home and run through everything you will need to consider before buying a puppy. From your lifestyle to your environment – we review your backyard and your house inside and out, and consult on which breeds might suit you best. We discuss the best way to introduce your puppy to its new environment for the first time, and answer any questions you may have.
In-person or virtual
A pre-arrival puppy consultation typically goes for 1.5 – 2 hours.
Skype/Zoom consultations are also offered if this is your preference.
Please click below to visit the pre-puppy consultation booking form:
$250 (incl GST)
Puppy Behaviour Consultation
For puppies up to 16wks: the first 150 days of a puppies life, they are a sponge absorbing everything around them. This is the most important learning time in a dog’s life and the greatest opportunity we have to make a huge impact. We play such an important role in how our puppy will develop – it’s up to us to take on a “pack leader” position from day 1 to ensure we end up with a well balanced, happy, social puppy that will look to us for direction and protection.
SOS Dogs will come to the comfort of your home and teach you all about being a good fur parent and how to strengthen the bond with your puppy. We will also show you how to address the following common problems with puppies:
- Separation anxiety
- Chewing
- Jumping
- Barking
- Potty training
- Recognising the first signs of aggression
- Meal time
- Getting used to the lead
- Socialisation
- Basic obedience

Puppy consultations are available for dogs up to 16 weeks old.
In-person consult
This is a fun interactive session which lasts for around 2 – 3 hours.
$350 (incl GST)
Booking form located below
Virtual consult
Skype/Zoom consultations are also offered if this is your preference.
$300 (incl GST)
Booking form located below
For either of the 2 sessions please fill in the below enquiry form:
Puppy Training Consultation
Or if you’d like to enquire directly, copy the email or click the mail icon below: